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購物網[103美國直購] VTech - Brilliant Creations Advanced Notebook兒童教育軟體 童版手提電腦 進階版 $2999特惠價心得該商品熱烈促銷中。為避免買不到,欲購從速!



購物網[103美國直購] VTech - Brilliant Creations Advanced Notebook兒童教育軟體 童版手提電腦 進階版 $2999特惠價心得有可能會被橫掃一空,入手要快!

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141008bj_Brilliant CreationsMove to the head of the class with the brilliant creations advanced notebook from VTech
This innovative laptop inspired by the real thing teaches your child essential skills for success
4.5' LCD color screen
120 learning games
Includes real computer mouse and touch padProduct Details
Product Dimensions: 1.6 x 10.6 x 7.2 inches ; 3.5 pounds
Shipping Weight: 4 pounds
Origin: China
Item model number: 80-121600
Manufacturer recommended age: 5 - 8 years
Batteries 4 AA batteries required. (included)Product Description
Move to the head of the class with the Brilliant Creations Advanced Notebook from Vtech. This innovative laptop, inspired by the real thing, is perfect for children ages 5 to 8. The Adavnced Notebook is designed to help your child get a head start on school skills including language arts, science, math, foreign language, creativity, and more, in addition to basic computer skills. The Advanced Notebook has received the National Parenting Publications Awards (NAPPA) Gold and the National Parenting Center Seal of Approval 2012.The Advanced Notebook teaches your child essential skills for success
The Advanced Notebook teaches your child essential skills for success.
Power Packed Learning
The Advanced Notebook has everything your grade school child needs to get ahead in school and gain basic computer skills. It features a 4.5' LCD color screen with high-quality animations. The notebook features 120 learning activities that teach language arts, science, math, foreign language, creativity, and more. The Advanced Notebook even features a progressive learning model which increases difficulty as your child masters each lesson. The Advanced Notebook comes with a working mouse, touch pad, and QWERTY keyboard to give your child a truly authentic computer experience. With the working mouse, your child can build their mouse skills as they point and click through a variety of learning activities on their laptop. Your child can use the touch pad on the Advanced Notebook to play games and do learning activities. The QWERTY keyboard emulates the keyboard of a real laptop to give your child a realistic computer experience. The notebook's built-in speakers deliver crisp and clear sound ensuring your child a full and interactive experience. The Advanced Notebook features a trendy design with bright colors. When shut, the top of the notebook features a pattern with fun polka-dots and swirls and the Vtech logo.樂天About Vtech日本樂天購物網
Vtech, the creator of the Electronic Learning Products (ELP) category, is a world leader in age-appropriate learning toys. Since 1976, Vtech has been developing high-quality, innovative educational products for children from birth to tween. Vtech toys deliver 'smart play' through the combination of entertaining electronic formats and engaging, age-appropriate content that helps children learn while having fun.Product Description樂天市場網路購物商城
VTech - Brilliant Creations Advanced Notebook
日本樂天購物網 jp樂天信用卡

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購物網[103美國直購] VTech - Brilliant Creations Advanced Notebook兒童教育軟體 童版手提電腦 進階版 $2999特惠價心得比較,


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購物網[103美國直購] VTech - Brilliant Creations Advanced Notebook兒童教育軟體 童版手提電腦 進階版 $2999特惠價心得那裡買,
購物網[103美國直購] VTech - Brilliant Creations Advanced Notebook兒童教育軟體 童版手提電腦 進階版 $2999特惠價心得價格,
購物網[103美國直購] VTech - Brilliant Creations Advanced Notebook兒童教育軟體 童版手提電腦 進階版 $2999特惠價心得特賣會,
購物網[103美國直購] VTech - Brilliant Creations Advanced Notebook兒童教育軟體 童版手提電腦 進階版 $2999特惠價心得評比,
購物網[103美國直購] VTech - Brilliant Creations Advanced Notebook兒童教育軟體 童版手提電腦 進階版 $2999特惠價心得部落客推薦,
購物網[103美國直購] VTech - Brilliant Creations Advanced Notebook兒童教育軟體 童版手提電腦 進階版 $2999特惠價心得推薦,






















購物網[103美國直購] VTech - Brilliant Creations Advanced Notebook兒童教育軟體 童版手提電腦 進階版 $2999特惠價心得

    3C 電腦 樂天
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